Wednesday, June 19, 2013


 All items are Mettle Fair Trade feat the Hinged Neckpiece, Hinged Handpiece, 
White Eco leather Ipad Clutch, Etched double band cuff & Stacking Rings.

I've always loved Fair Trade products and It seems that we now have more choice than ever before, with many designers moving into Fair Trade practices in their business and their products being produced. In the food market - like coffee, chocolate and other produce readily available in our grocery stores, It's even easier to make the choice to buy Fair Trade. With the recent collapse of a garment factory in Bangladesh, it is evident of the dangers of un safe working conditions and the importance of proper inspections of the factories, unions to protect the workers and provide a more fair work place for the employees. I recently watched a documentary highlighting the working conditions in Bangladesh and how people who work a 100 hour week (the equivalent of 3 full time jobs) and are earning as little as $40 AUD a month. In most cases they are being forced to work over time and are not getting a decent wage to reflect the number of hourse they work. There are also many cases of children under the legal age of 14 years old working in factories and factories usually having the upperhand when it comes to the rights of their employees. After watching this documentary I immediately felt a responsibility, a responsibility to those workers. As a consumer I play an important role in what the future of manufacturing will hold. I also realised that every person in the supply chain also holds this same responibility, the designers/brands/companies getting their products manufactured in Bangladesh and other developing countries, the factory owners and managers and the retail chains that sell them. To be honest we are all part of this problem, but we are also part of a solution. There are so many ways we can all make a difference to these people's lives and in turn our environment. Here are just some ways you can support Fair Trade working conditions for those who are making the clothes and other products we use.

  • We can research companies whom are Fair Trade and organisations whom support Fair Trade.
  • We can start being involved in these organisations and also buy Fair Trade products.
  • We can change our attitudes and habits towards fashion by buying slow quality fashion over mass produced 'fast fashion'.
  • We can pay a little extra for better quality products but that we know are Fair Trade, in turn more goes back to the workers for a better future.
  • We can take better care of our belongings so they last longer and can be resused.
We have been stocking Mettle Fair Trade for some time now, and just love their eco-luxe accessories. They are all made from recycled bomshell brass from the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia and are all Fair Trade accredited, limited edition and help communities in the region. You can view all these lovely pieces and Mettle's collections available here at EKOLUV

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